Glacier National Park Vehicle Reservation Requirements In Effect

Glacier National Park will implement a pilot vehicle reservation system in 2024, beginning May 24 for the west side of Going-to-the-Sun Road and North Fork and on July 1 for Many Glacier. Each location has unique details and requires a separate reservation.

Vehicle Ticketed Entry Reservations will be available online only begining January 25, 2024, at 8 a.m. MST  on a rolling basis the remaining vehicle reservations will be available at 7 p.m. MDT for next-day entry starting on May 23, 2024. Tickets are available at: Glacier National Park Ticketed Entry -


West Entrance One reservation per vehicle will be required to travel Going-to-the-Sun Road beyond the Apgar Village area from May 24 through Sept. 8, 2024, from 6 a.m. to 3 p.m. Visitors can enter before 6 a.m. or after 3 p.m. without a vehicle reservation. New in 2024, vehicle reservations will be valid for one day only, down from three days in 2023. Data from 2023 indicates that only two percent of three-day reservations were used for all three days. By changing to a one-day reservation, consistent with other park areas, a greater number of reservations can be made available.

Also new in 2024, visitors will be able to access Apgar Village amenities, including the Apgar Visitor Center, without a vehicle reservation. Lodging, camping (including front country developed campgrounds and backcountry camping permits), transportation, or commercial activity reservations originating in Apgar will no longer provide access beyond the Apgar filter check point.

North Fork One reservation per vehicle will be required at the entrance station May 24 through Sept. 8, 2024, from 6 a.m. to 3 p.m. Reservations are good for one day. Visitors can enter before 6 a.m. or after 3 p.m. without a vehicle reservation.

Many Glacier Valley One reservation per vehicle will be required at the entrance station July 1 through Sept. 8, 2024, from 6 a.m. to 3 p.m. Reservations are good for one day. Visitors can enter the valley before 6 a.m. or after 3 p.m. without a vehicle reservation.

Also new in 2024, visitors will be able to access the Going-to-the-Sun Road from the east side beyond Rising Sun without a vehicle reservation. Visitors will also have access to the St. Mary Visitor Center and shuttle stop on the east side of Glacier National Park, as in 2023.

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